Bits of Freedom
Bits of Freedom is a nonprofit organization concerned with the
protection of digital human rights. For Bits of Freedom I wrote a
series of articles, based on chapters of my thesis, on the way in which
the privacy movement expresses dissent.
Meeting the Privacy Movement
In 2013-2015 I made a snapshot of the Berlin-based privacy
movement. Join me over the next few weeks and find out how these
privacy activists operate, organize, and express dissent.
The Privacy Movement and Dissent: Whistleblowing
In 2013-2015 I made a snapshot of the Berlin-based privacy
movement. Join me in exploring how privacy activists use
whistleblowing as an expression of dissent and why
whistleblowers take up a special place within the movement.
The Privacy Movement and Dissent: Art
In 2013-2015 I made a snapshot of the Berlin-based privacy
movement. Join me in exploring the correlation between art,
activism, and the privacy movement.
The Privacy Movement and Dissent: Protest
In 2013-2015 I made a snapshot of the Berlin-based privacy
movement. Join me in this last article of the series and find
out how the privacy movement uses protest as an expression of
EDRi is an association of European organizations that defend digital
human rights. An edited version of the series on the privacy movement
is published on their website.
Dissent in the privacy movement: whistleblowing, art and protest
This is the first blogpost of a series, originally published
by EDRi member Bits of Freedom, that explains how the activists
of a Berlin-based privacy movement operate, organise, and
express dissent. The series is inspired by a thesis by Loes
Derks van de Ven, which describes the privacy movement as she
encountered it from 2013 to 2015.
The privacy movement and dissent: Whistleblowing
Whistleblowing as a way of expressing dissent is tied to the
privacy movement. To fully understand the act of whistleblowing,
it is important to understand that whistleblowing encountered in
the privacy movement is not only a form of dissent, but also
shows qualities of civil disobedience and protest.
The privacy movement and dissent: Art
Although there are relatively few privacy movement members
involved in the actual process of creating art, it does affect
the movement as a whole. Art reflects the movement’s beliefs and
is used as a weapon of resistance against injustice.
The privacy movement and dissent: Protest
For a movement that is so intertwined with the internet, we
see that it is difficult to even make the distinction between
online and offline protest, and that it comes up with its own
specific alterations to already existing forms of protest.
De Focus
De Focus is an online research platform of the Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam. It offers young researchers a place to share their academic
work. In September 2017, the Berlin chapter of my thesis will appear as
an article on their website.
Berlin: Where the Privacy Movement Meets
Why do activists still need physical places to meet in a time
in which it seems the rise of the Internet has made real-life
contact redundant? And why does Berlin prove to be this place
for the privacy movement?